Trail Towns Blog
Murrumbidgee To The Mountains
This episode, the adventure Vandy and I had from the Murrumbidgee to the Mountains was magical and truly memorable. It was like a dream actually. Almost surreal in its beauty, with riding to match and so many truly great places to eat, stay, relax and unwind. Every time I think about it I smile - and wish I was there all over again.
Southern Forests & Valleys
Flying into Perth for the first time in over 12 months was surreal. It almost felt as if we'd never be able to film our first WA episode at all. The border closures meant it was a roll of the dice as to when we could travel.
Great Victorian Rail Trail Adventure
This adventure is one which I've been looking forward to for what feels like years. As a kid, and being train mad, I camped near the rail line in the ’70s with my Dad and remember seeing trains in action.
If you’ve ever frequented a smorgasbord, hungry as anything, and seen so much food, it’s simply impossible to know where to start? That’s this episode, the Goldfields region of Victoria right there.
Victoria’s High Country
The high country of Victoria is a magical place - if you've been there, you'll already know this, and if not, then this episode of Trail Towns will surely tempt you to make plans and get up there.